Saturday, April 5, 2008

The days are moving faster....

The excitement of this vacation is already begining to build! After two years, it is still hard to believe this trip is becoming reality. It has been a long, long time since I have done any traveling abroad and certianly never this far away from home.

One of the things, I look forward to is the complete immersion into a different culture. All new tastes, sounds, smells and sights - everything will have no previous sensory experience. I enjoy this type of learning. Not to say, that the likely hood of embarrassment will be very high, but hey what the heck - were just crazy americans... right. By the way, John, I promise not to point and laugh (to loud) and of course will never let you forget!

Finally, there is tremendous amount of support from everyone - thank you


Unknown said...

hey Warren and John, this is cool. I hope you have an awesome, wonderful time in Aussie land.

Brett Christie said...

Yes, very well done! Look forward to keeping in touch re your travels and swims. Suggestion? May want to add a link section on the right-hand side of the page where you could link to the meet page, results page, etc. Anyway, thanks for doing this so we can live vicariously.

Paco said...

Good luck, good times, great memories. We will all be swimming with you!

lorijh said...

This is a great idea, Warren! The Finley morning workout group -- unofficially known amongst ourselves as the "Nautical League" and known to you as "my take-it-easy Wednesday workout partners" -- is rooting for you all the way! Be sure to give us all the juicy details so we can experience this vicariously through you!
